Global AAM/UAM market insight
Take a deeper dive into advanced air mobility and urban air mobility. We produce regular Global Market Insight articles focussed on the latest industry developments. We also cover the latest regulations and CONOPS worldwide. These Insight articles are produced jointly with our companion site Take a look at our latest articles:“The FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024 and its impact on advanced air mobilityâ€
Commentary by David Ison PhD of the Advanced Air Mobility Group – reproduced with kind permission of the author. The original document can be
What the new EU Artificial Intelligence Act means for drones, UTM and eVTOLs
On January 24 this year the European Commission launched a package of measures to support European companies in the development of trustworthy artificial intelligence…
Will the USA’s UAM infrastructure be ready for operations in 2026? Partly
Many forecasts for the advanced air mobility (AAM) and urban air mobility (UAM) industries suggest that 2024 will be the year of infrastructure…
Wisk Aero’s latest ConOps – the role of the human as the ultimate back-up is still unclear
Wisk Aero has issued an update to its previously released Concept of Operations (ConOps) for Uncrewed Urban Air Mobility (UAM), jointly developed with…
The global timetable for AAM and UAM launch and development
There are now 170 cities, regions and states in 55 countries around the world developing plans for advanced air mobility (AAM) and urban air mobility (UAM) aviation services…
Political and industry opposition to drones and eVTOLs: currently uncoordinated but growing
The unfavourable reaction from Paris local politicians across the political divide to the launch of electric air taxi operations during the 2024 Olympic Games…
What EHang’s EH216 type certification means for the global aviation industry
The announcement on October 13 that the EHang EH216-S has obtained a type certificate from the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC)…
UAM/AAM reality check: fire training-course approvals as important as airworthiness certificates
The rate of progress in the evolution of the global urban air mobility market is determined largely by the speed with which eVTOLs…
AAM, drone and UTM leaders expect industry acceleration following passage of FAA reauthorization
The US House of Representatives on July 20 passed the Securing Growth and Robust Leadership in American Aviation Act…
FAA’s Innovate28 vision: Clear high-level view but uncertainty over local responsibilities
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has published its Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) Implementation Plan Near-term…
Are truly affordable eVTOLs possible to produce and operate? Yes
A view by Jürgen Greil, CEO, FlyNow Aviation, on Michael Halaby’s article, which first was published in the May 2023 edition of Royal Aeronautical…
The urban air mobility industry will soon have a serious PR problem – but it can be fixed
In our latest monthly analysis of the Global Urban Air Mobility market, now covering 54 individual country AAM/UAM plans…