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Your unique guide to the global vertiport industry and its emerging business opportunities

Country-by-country, city-by-city, The global vertiport market map and forecast 2024-2028 is a unique guide to understanding the global vertiport market. We have identified every location of every planned vertiport programme, either explicit or implicit within the network development plans of eVTOL operators, and assessed both the probability of construction and the likely costs of each programme. Our market forecasts are based on a range of industry, academic and research organisation vertiport development cost-calculations which we outline in detail.

The global vertiport market map and forecast 2024-2028 is aimed at advanced air mobility/urban air mobility (AAM/UAM) industry OEMs, eVTOL operators and supply chain partners, local authorities and municipalities, transport planners, finance companies, hotel and leisure complex operators, regulators, standards authorities and vertiport supply companies consultants and local authorities who need a detailed understanding of what programmes are underway around the world and the market opportunities that exist within these programmes. It provides a unique guide to competitive industry information, global/regional market size and trend analysis. This study is like no other vertiport market study available in that we separate the aspirational from the realities of the market, taking account of possible market failures and regulatory delays. The study features:

  • A global market map of each programme with partners identified
  • Detailed global plans for vertiport development, broken down into planned and contracted; regions, timelines for development and urban/airport locations
  • An assessment of high-level market forecasts – to validate our findings against other market forecast reports
  • An analysis of vertiport development and aviation equipage costs
  • A listing of vertiport developers, their capabilities and assessed market share
  • A country-by-country guide to AAM regulatory and market development approaches taken by national and regional governments along with strategic industry plans to advance eVTOL-based services in the country
  • A compendium of regulatory material – guidance, regulations and certification publications
Using a network of global industry specialists, the Global AAM/UAM Market Map details over-the-horizon strategic programmes which are in the very early planning stages to more detailed near-term plans for operational launches within the next two to three years.

Unique features of the report

  • Comprehensive and detailed information, with source material identified
  • Unique sources of information – a bottom-up approach to data collection
  • Validated against high level views
  • A breakdown of vertiport costs and pricing formulae

Estimates of vertiport requirements per population density

Vertiport population table

The global vertiport market map and forecast 2024-2028 can be purchased for just £2,500.00 for a pdf download of the report.
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For more information please contact the editor Philip Butterworth-Hayes at philip@unmannedairspace.info

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